Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Give a hand-up. Make your year-end gift today!

We need your help this holiday season!
Here at Habitat for Humanity of Southern Santa Barbara County, our homes take on even greater meaning this time of year.  
   Escamilla Family
Meet Patty and Gabriel who became proud homeowners last year. Homeownership for their family means a safe and secure home to raise their young son and twin daughters.  Patty and Gabriel truly understand the importance of having a home for the holidays.
Hardworking families with low incomes throughout Santa Barbara County  struggle every day to make ends meet. Habitat for Humanity provides much more than a roof over head; we provide a foundation for families and children to succeed and thrive.

With your help we are helping families break the cycle of poverty. We deeply appreciate your commitment and investment. Donate today and join us in helping those less fortunate who are committed to building a home for their families.